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We like a good Tribute: ’57 MGA


Everyone who likes sports cars likes a good MGA. They are the aerodynamic replacement for the car that probably started it all here on this side of the pond – the MGTC. It doesn’t surprise us to find someone willing to take a perfectly good MGA and make it great like this seller did. 57 MGA Tribute intSomething must have happened deep inside the seller’s soul when he/she read about the 3 factory Works cars that ran in the ’55 running of LeMans. They are so rare, the seller decided that there are enough parts available to make one for the pleasure of owning one just like it. No harm if it isn’t presented as a real one. We think it is one of the neatest MGAs we have seen. Of course, you will be the darling at any event but the metal tonneau will have to go to allow for a navigator. No navigators at LeMans. The eBay listing has some good pictures and a detailed description of what was done to be faithful to the originals. Go to the auction by clicking here.57 MGA

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